Amnesia: A struggle to remember

Brain Injuries,Our Blog | November 29, 2017

Amnesia is, at its core, the inability to memorize or recall information. Some people struggle with amnesia that is basically short-term memory loss, whereas others suffer from amnesia where they forget many years of their lives.

Even though amnesia is talked about in the media and in movies, it’s not very common. Amnesia typically refers to having significant memory loss including memory loss of things that you shouldn’t have forgotten, like the names of your children or the fact that you have children at all. Those who suffer from amnesia usually have significant brain injuries.

Amnesia is both the inability to make new memories and the inability to recall old memories. Some people can recall current events and record new memories all while forgetting the past. Many people who suffer from this condition are confused and uncoordinated. While many kinds of amnesia are caused by brain injuries, alcoholism and traumatic experiences can also result in amnesia.

One good thing about amnesia is that it usually resolves on its own without the need for treatment. The only issue is that no two people are alike; it’s impossible to know how long it will take for an individual to regain his or her memories. ( It’s possible that the memory of a traumatic event will never be recalled, even if the individual can remember his or her past.

Amnesia isn’t common, but if you know someone who suffers from it as a result of a traumatic brain injury or other kind of trauma, it’s important that they get the right care. There are tests that must be performed to make sure the brain isn’t bleeding or diseased, so the right prognosis can be made.

Source: Medical News Today, “Amnesia: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments,” Christian Nordqvist, accessed Nov. 28, 2017