California train slams into semi-truck on tracks

Our Blog,truck accidents | May 30, 2014

A California train, which was being used to transport military vehicles, slammed into a semi-truck that was sitting on tracks, ripping it into pieces. The entire thing was caught on camera by another driver who saw what was happening, a man who appeared to be stopped in the traffic leading up to the train crossing.

The train was loaded down with military tanks on other heavy equipment, and it could not stop in time. The driver of the truck got out of his vehicle and began running down the tracks, toward the train. He was waving his hands and trying to get the conductor’s attention as the horn was blasting away. ( However, it was already too late, and there was nothing he could do to stop the accident.

According to the reports from the incident, the truck’s undercarriage had gotten stuck on the tracks, which are higher than the road on either side. It was a crossing that already had a reputation for these types of things, as trucks that went too slowly when crossing had a tendency to catch on the ground.

The crash scene was in the San Joaquin Valley, out on Highway 99.

In the back of the semi were boxes of trail mix, which can be seen flying all over the place in the video. While the extent of the damage was not reported, the truck appears to be a total loss in the video.

Those who have been hurt in a big rig accident, whether driving another car, a train or any other type of vehicle, should know all about their legal rights to compensation for their injuries.

Source: SF Gate, “Train carrying military vehicles plows through semi-truck on California’s Highway 99” Jessica Mullins, May. 26, 2014