Category: Car Accidents

How to put a stop to distracted driving

Car Accidents,Our Blog | November 10, 2014

Even though many states, including California, have adopted laws that forbid people from texting and/or using their cellphones while driving, they don’t appear to be doing much to help the problem of distracted driving, an epidemic that kills more than nine people per day on average in the United States. In fact, research from the…

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Car accident results in deaths of 3 teenage girls

Car Accidents,Our Blog | November 4, 2014

Three teenagers were hit by a vehicle in California recently while engaging in trick-or-treating activities. Sadly, all three died. The accident took place on Halloween night, and police searched for the passenger and driver of the vehicle, who allegedly fled the car accident scene. According to police, witnesses reported that the three girls wore dark clothes…

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Showing that California drivers have been negligent

Car Accidents | October 30, 2014

Trucking is a serious industry in California, and it comes with a lot of responsibility. Semi drivers are held to a higher level of responsibility than most drivers, due to the rules and regulations that govern the way that they can operate their vehicles. These include things like: – Keeping a log of the hours…

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2 crashes in California take 10 lives

Car Accidents | October 17, 2014

  A pair of crashes in California left a staggering 10 people dead in their wake. In one of the accidents, four young people who passed away had all just graduated together, as they were classmates in high school. Police are now investigating to see what caused both fiery wrecks to occur. One of the…

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Head-on car accident can lead to catastrophic injuries

Car Accidents | October 13, 2014

A head-on crash is one of the most destructive types of motor vehicle accidents in California. This type of car accident often results in traumatic injuries or even death. The results are worse in situations where both drivers are speeding at the moment of impact. People in the Sacramento area are particularly susceptible to experiencing a…

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Fiery California car accident leads to 1 death, 2 injuries

Car Accidents | October 3, 2014

A head-on crash recently took place in California. This type of collision can be deadly due to the major impact experienced when two speeding vehicles strike each other. Unfortunately, one woman lost her life in the fiery car accident, while two other individuals suffered major injuries. A 30-year-old driver ended up having to be pulled…

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Fiery car accident causes 2 deaths on California Interstate

Car Accidents | September 25, 2014

A fiery crash recently took place in California, claiming two people’s lives. The accident took place in the area of Highway 580. This type of car accident typically leaves family members of the deceased victims questioning what caused the crash and grieving for their loved ones. According to police, witnesses said it appeared that a car…

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What to do after a car accident in California

Car Accidents,Our Blog | September 24, 2014

In our last post, we discussed the many safety hazards that come along with fall driving. From the sun’s intense glare to more traffic on the roads to foggy mornings, fall can be a very dangerous time of year to drive. If you are one of the many unlucky drivers who will end up in…

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