Category: Dog Bites & Injuries

How To Report a Dog Bite in California

Dog Bites & Injuries | May 13, 2024

Sustaining a dog bite injury can be a scary experience, and the aftermath can be incredibly confusing. After seeking immediate medical care, one of the first things dog by victims should do is report the incident to the proper authorities. The process of reporting a dog bite typically depends on the jurisdiction where the incident…

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Common Causes of Dog Bites

Dog Bites & Injuries | February 16, 2024

Dog bites are a significant public health issue, but you will be hard-pressed to find any comprehensive study of dog bites in the US. One recent study does tackle the subject of dog bites and examines data from a recent 10-year timeframe. This data shows that the overwhelming majority of dog bite incidents occur by…

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How To Prove Negligence in a Dog Bite Claim

Dog Bites & Injuries | January 19, 2024

The state of California follows a “strict liability” dog bite law that holds pet owners responsible for most dog bite injuries that occur. Under a strict liability system, the process of determining whether or not the dog owner was negligent is not quite as vital. Here, we want to review California’s dog bite laws and…

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How Insurance Companies Devalue or Deny Valid Dog Bite Claims

Dog Bites & Injuries | July 10, 2023

When individuals sustain dog bite injuries, they are often able to recover compensation from the dog’s owner. California is what is known as a “strict liability” state concerning dog bites, which means the injured individual does not have to prove that the dog’s owner was negligent in any way before receiving compensation. However, insurance carriers…

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California Leash Law

Dog Bites & Injuries | November 9, 2021

Updated 2/27/2024 Every day, someone suffers catastrophic injuries in a dog attack. Dogs running loose or at large contribute to many of these severe and sometimes deadly incidents. In California, it is every pet owner’s legal responsibility to obey leash laws in public places. Otherwise, the dog owner could be responsible and held liable for…

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Dangerous Dog Breeds

Dog Bites & Injuries | February 10, 2021

Dogs are arguably the most popular pet in the United States. However, dog bites are incredibly common in this country. ( Data available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that approximately 800,000 people seek medical care each year due to dog bites in this country. Most people have an idea of…

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Is Euthanasia Required After A Dog Bite In California?

Dog Bites & Injuries | February 5, 2021

Dog bite incidents are taken seriously in the state of California. Dogs have powerful jaws, and they can inflict severe injuries on victims. California has various laws that revolve around what happens after a dog bite. These laws include strict liability applied to the dog’s owner when it comes to paying compensation for injuries as…

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Rabies stalks Northern California

Dog Bites & Injuries | December 5, 2016

Many people have the sense afoot that rabies is a thing of the past, a storybook disease like smallpox or leprosy. But as a recent case from Calaveras County shows, rabies is alive and well in our region, and people need to take it very seriously. In the month of November alone, seven persons had…

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Can a dog be a criminal?

Dog Bites & Injuries | September 3, 2016

An elderly Coalinga woman was attacked last month by a pit bull. It was an ugly attack, in which the dog bit several of her fingers off, and also caused tearing injuries to her arms. After the attack, the dog returned to the scene and had to destroyed by police. In the wake of that…

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