Category: Our Blog
Our Blog,truck accidents | September 19, 2018
Plaintiffs who are pursuing personal injury or wrongful death lawsuits should try to name as many defendants as possible since this will help maximize the chances of recovering just compensation. In a commercial trucking accident caused by a negligent truck driver, the potential defendants will include more than just the truck driver. These potentially liable…
Read More Motor Vehicle Accidents,Our Blog | September 19, 2018
Crashes can happen for many reasons, but one of the most surprising is when a crash happens due to a police chase. The police generally do not chase suspects when it means that they could put others in danger. They did in this case, and the suspects ended up getting into multiple collisions. In the…
Read More Our Blog | September 18, 2018
Smart dog owners understand that even the friendliest, gentlest pet is unpredictable. Dogs can provide companionship and protection. However, when they feel afraid, frustrated or cornered, they may react by biting, growling or other aggression. If you have ever suffered a bite from a dog, you know how painful it can be. In California, dog…
Read More Brain Injuries,Our Blog | September 13, 2018
Most people who suffer from a serious brain injury in a car accident will want to know how long it’s going to take for them to get better. The truth is that the road to recovery after a traumatic brain injury (TBI) could take some years, and even then, many victims will endure lifelong disabilities…
Read More Our Blog,personal injury | September 11, 2018
Personal injuries can occur in many different ways, and one of the worst is when an elderly person is injured because of the lack of care provided at a care facility. According to one news article from Sept. 5, a man was visiting his stepfather and became concerned when he found out that the man…
Read More Our Blog | September 10, 2018
If the California roads seem crowded to you, there is good reason. Over 15 million tractor-trailers and other large trucks are on U. ( S. highways each year. With that many trucks on the road, it is no surprise that the number of accidents involving trucks has increased 20 percent since 2008. As you can…
Read More Motor Vehicle Accidents,Our Blog | September 6, 2018
If you ever feel tempted to doubt the potentially life-saving benefits of seat belts – don’t. Failing to wear a seat belt in a motor vehicle could be one of the worst decisions you ever make. In fact, millions of Americans are suffering from life-altering injuries, or they have died, as a direct result of…
Read More Our Blog | September 5, 2018
Your children are more important to you than anything. Because you want them to be safe and healthy, you do what you can to protect them. You read food labels, make sure they get regular checkups and never start the car until they are buckled safely into their car seats. Searching for a daycare provider requires the…
Read More Motor Vehicle Accidents,Our Blog | September 4, 2018
A rollover accident is one of the most dangerous. People who don’t wear seat belts could be thrown around the vehicle. Even if everyone is wearing them, there is a potential for the vehicle to be crushed inward, pinning people in place and trapping them when they’re most in need of medical care. One of…
Read More Motorcycle Accidents,Our Blog | August 31, 2018
Riding a motorcycle is one of the most fun activities anyone can engage in, but it’s also one of the most dangerous. It’s for this reason that motorcyclists tend to be some of the safest drivers on the road: They want to continue to enjoy their bike for many years to come. Nevertheless, no matter…
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