Category: Our Blog
Our Blog,wrongful death | March 3, 2014
With the advent of mobile device technology and increasingly sophisticated features installed in vehicles, there is a lot drivers can become distracted by within the confines of their own car. This is not even to mention a large number of distractions on or near the roadway. No matter the changes in technology or scenery, one…
Read More Our Blog | March 1, 2014
Many animal bite stories involve an owner who fails to adequately restrain an animal or protect others against being injured. As a result of this failure to act, liability is typically addressed at pet owners. Interestingly enough, a California animal bite case is taking a slightly different spin: The victim’s family has filed a claim…
Read More Our Blog,Pedestrian Accidents | February 28, 2014
Over the last several years, leaps and bounds have been made in the development of mobile technology. Smartphones have become integrated into the lives of a large portion of California residents. Although this technology can simplify certain aspects of life, using mobile devices behind the wheel obviously creates a tremendous accident risk. As such, many…
Read More Car Accidents,Drunk Driving Accidents,Our Blog,personal injury | February 27, 2014
Driving while under the influence of alcohol can cause an individual to have a slower reaction time and weaker-than-normal coordination skills. This is why it is so dangerous. In fact, a resulting car accident can rapidly lead to serious injuries or even death. When a drunk driver strikes another vehicle and ends up killing someone…
Read More Car Accidents,Our Blog | February 26, 2014
Whenever a person gets behind the wheel of a vehicle, there’s always a certain amount of unpredictability. However, taking steps to drive cautiously — and counting on others to do the same — can provide some reassurance for safety. The unfortunate reality is that drivers don’t always uphold their responsibilities and others can suffer as…
Read More Dog Bites & Injuries,Our Blog | February 21, 2014
For many people, dogs are the epitome of good company. They are faithful companions, loyal to a fault and sensitive to all manner of human needs. Moreover, they are bundles of unbridled love, a quality that in itself goes far toward explaining their depiction as “man’s best friend.” And then are those select dogs that…
Read More Our Blog,truck accidents | February 21, 2014
Better late than never. That seems to be the general reaction of the commercial trucking industry to the recent announcement by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration of a proposed rule to better regulate problem drivers. Industry voices have been pushing regulators for years to come up with a system that accurately identifies and deals…
Read More Our Blog | February 21, 2014
The Chevrolet Cobalt was at one time a popular vehicle choice for many consumers across the country. Although General Motors discontinued the model in 2010, there are reportedly hundreds of thousands of Cobalts still on the road. California motorists are obviously driving a fair number of them. ( Given the details emerging in recent media…
Read More Car Accidents,Our Blog | February 19, 2014
Hearing that loved ones have been killed in a car accident can be traumatizing, sparking grief and disbelief. However, seeing these loved ones die before one’s eyes can cause even deeper emotional scars and distress. It is natural for the family members of those who die in such a car accident in California to feel…
Read More Our Blog,wrongful death | February 15, 2014
Six people were recently killed in a wrong-way car accident in Southern California. The wrong-way driver who is allegedly responsible for causing the crash was arrested following the incident. As is the case when any person is killed in an automobile accident that was apparently caused by another person’s failure to follow traffic laws, family…
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