Category: personal injury

Are you and your family using the Dutch Reach?

Our Blog,personal injury | June 3, 2018

The Dutch Reach is a technique used in the Netherlands to keep bicyclists safe from “dooring accidents.” A dooring accident happens when a vehicle driver or passenger opens a car door into the path of a bicyclist. These accidents have caused numerous deaths and catastrophic injuries to bicyclists throughout the country. However, they can be…

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Do rearward car seats do better in crash tests?

Our Blog,personal injury | April 19, 2018

When it comes to the safety of their children, many American parents may seem overprotective or too concerned about safety, there are certain things that parents can’t be too careful with — like car safety. When it comes to keeping children safe in cars, the first line of defense is the car seat. However, there…

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Will you be paralyzed because of a spinal injury?

Our Blog,personal injury | January 31, 2018

Spinal cord injuries vary in severity, with some being minor enough to return to work or your normal activities in a few weeks, whereas others last a lifetime. With two major kinds, complete and incomplete, it’s easier to understand just how severe your injuries are. Incomplete injuries are as they sound; they don’t completely cut…

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Mother hit, suffering from life-threatening injuries

Our Blog,personal injury | December 27, 2017

When someone tries to do a good deed, there’s no worse thing that could happen than for the individual to get hurt. Take, for example, this case in which a woman, who was helping a stalled driver, suffered serious, life-threatening injuries. According to the Dec. 7 report, the woman stopped to help a driver who…

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