Sacramento Dog Bite Attorney

If you or a loved one were injured or incurred medical expenses from a dog bite, consider speaking with an experienced Sacramento dog bite injury attorney at Rosenthal Law. The dedicated attorneys at Rosenthal Law provide our clients with:

  • Exceptional representation
  • Personalized attention
  • Compassionate legal care

We have a success record of more than 98% in obtaining compensation for our clients. Schedule a free case review and consultation today. Allow Rosenthal Law to show you that integrity makes a difference in legal representation.

When most people hear about dog bite injuries, the first thing to come to mind is a little nip on the hand. In reality, many dog bites are much more severe than that. It is not unusual for victims to suffer severe injuries that result in significant lacerations, muscle and nerve damage, and permanent scarring. In many cases, the emotional injuries connected to the trauma of the attack are the most serious.

Unless the victim was trespassing on the owner’s property or the animal was provoked, owners are held strictly liable under California law when their dogs cause serious personal injuries.



Why Choose Rosenthal Law to Handle Your Dog Bite Claim?

For over 25 years, our law firm has provided quality legal representation to clients who were seriously injured in dog attacks. Here are several reasons why you should trust us with your dog bite case:

  • Our team of attorneys has the resources necessary to take on insurance companies and demand fair compensation for injuries, pain, and suffering.
  • We’re regular folks but exceptional dog bite lawyers.
  • Our lawyers achieve successful outcomes in over 99% of our cases, whether it’s through mediation, settlement, or trial.
  • We offer a free consultation to all prospective clients and will pay for an Uber ride to and from our office if you’re unable to drive yourself.
  • We offer our services on a contingency fee basis, which means you won’t owe anything unless we achieve a successful result.

A dog bite can have multiple negative effects, from permanent disfigurement to extensive medical treatment and emotional side effects. In the state of California, pet owners do not need to commit negligence to be liable for the damages that their animals cause. Any dog bite might form legal grounds for a civil claim, so victims of an attack should contact a Sacramento dog bite lawyer as soon as possible.

Do I Need an Attorney for a Dog Bite?

If you suffered an injury from a dog bite or animal attack in Sacramento, a lawyer can help you in several ways:

  • He or she can handle the communication between the insurer and the other parties involved
  • Collect the necessary evidence to establish grounds for a civil claim
  • Collect and organize all medical records and bills to evaluate material damages
  • Obtain all medical evidence necessary to establish harm
  • Present all evidence to an insurance company to demand a fair settlement for material and intangible losses
  • Negotiate a fair amount that reflects the amount of pain and suffering on the account of the plaintiff

A Sacramento dog bite attorney helps by securing damages not only for the material costs of a dog bite but intangible losses as well. A couple of methods for calculating these damages exist and an attorney will negotiate aggressively with an insurer to achieve maximum compensation for them.

How a Sacramento Dog Bite Injury Attorney Can Help

Every state has specific dog bite laws. It is vital you have an attorney who is familiar with and current on dog bite laws in California. At Rosenthal Law, our dog bite injury attorneys are educated in California’s dog bites and work with industry experts to handle and settle your dog bite injury case properly.

We will also support your case in the following ways:

  • Investigate the dog’s behavioral history
  • Investigate the property where the attack took place
  • Investigate the pet owner to verify if they were negligent with the handling and care of the dog
  • Gather any needed evidence and documentation including photos of the dog bites on the victim
  • Document other injuries resulting from the dog attack and obtain copies of medical bills and doctor reports
  • Negotiate third party insurance claims
  • Seek compensation for injuries, losses, and other damages

At Rosenthal Law, our fees are contingent on the success of your case. There are no up-front or out-of-pocket costs; you pay nothing unless we win your case.

Common Dog Bite Injuries

Dog bites can result in lasting physical and psychological damages. This is especially true in children. Many victims need plastic surgery for scar repair and revisions. Some common dog bite injuries include:

  • Lacerations
  • Puncture wounds
  • Pain and suffering
  • Disfigurement
  • Infections
  • Nerve damage

How Much is My Dog Bite Case Worth?

A person who suffers injury as the result of a dog bite may be entitled to two major types of damages:

  • Economic damages involve material damages a plaintiff suffers. Examples include medical bills, lost wages, rehabilitation costs, and any other costs expected with care and recovery.
  • General damages compensate for the intangible losses a person suffers as the result of an accident. Examples may include loss in life quality, emotional anguish from permanent disfigurement, physical pain, and more.

For additional information regarding the specific damages available in your case, reach out to a qualified dog bite lawyer in Sacramento.

Aggressive dog barking

Dog Bite Laws in California

California dog bite laws are strict liability laws. In dog bite cases, strict liability means that dog owners are responsible for most dog-bite injuries, whether or not they knew their dogs had vicious propensities. Pet owners cannot argue that they were unaware their dogs were dangerous, or that they took care to prevent their dogs from hurting someone.

There are a few exceptions to the strict liability laws. Dog owners are strictly liable only if the injured person was bitten while in a public place or lawfully in a private place. Anyone carrying out a legal duty, like a postman, is legally on private property.

Police and military dogs in the line of duty or defending themselves against annoying or provocative behavior are also an exception to the strict liability laws. California’s dog bite laws also do not apply in circumstances where the victim did not suffer a dog bite.

Dog owners are responsible for taking any reasonable steps necessary to remove the danger of future attacks if their dog bit someone in the past. The court may order the dog owner to remove the dog from the area or have it destroyed.

If animal control or law enforcement officers suspect a dog is dangerous, they can petition the court order conditions, including the owner keep the dog indoors, on a secure leash, or in a fenced yard. Dog owners are fined for violating these restrictions.

Dog owners may face both criminal charges and a civil lawsuit when their dog bites and injures someone. There is a two-year time limit to file a civil lawsuit for a dog bite injury in California.

When an animal-related injury occurs due to something other than a bite (i.e. being knocked down by a dog), then regular negligence rules may apply. In other words, the plaintiff must be able to show:

  • The owner of the animal owed a duty of care to the plaintiff
  • He or she violated that duty by negligently caring for the animal
  • That negligence led to injury
  • The plaintiff suffered damages as a result

If you have any further questions regarding California dog bite laws, consult a knowledgeable Sacramento dog bite attorney at Rosenthal Law.

What to Do After a Dog Bite

Smart dog owners understand that even the friendliest, gentlest pet is unpredictable. Dogs can provide companionship and protection. However, when they feel afraid, frustrated, or cornered, they may react by biting, growling, or other aggression. If you have ever suffered a bite from a dog, you know how painful it can be.

In California, dog owners are responsible for the actions of their pets even if they never suspected the animal would attack. To improve the chances that you or your child will recover medically and financially from a dog bite, there are steps you can take.

Get Medical Treatment

The first step after any injury is to seek medical help. Dog bites can be dangerous even if they are not deep. While deep bites from a strong dog may cause bleeding, muscle damage, and even broken bones, the germs in a dog’s mouth should also cause concern anytime a bite breaks the surface of the skin.

Rabies is a dangerous and deadly virus a dog may spread to you or your child through its saliva. If the dog owner has not kept the animal’s vaccinations up to date, you or your child may suffer through the painful treatment. Even if the dog is properly vaccinated, you may be at risk of infection, so it is important to get medical care as soon as possible after a dog bite.

Document the Incident

The cost of medical treatment after a dog bite can add up quickly. You may need stitches, antibiotics and pain medication. A severe bite may require reconstructive surgery or result in permanent scarring, disfigurement or nerve or muscle damage.

Whether you plan to seek compensation from an insurance company or through a civil lawsuit, you will need to document the incident. You can do this in the following ways:

  • Obtain information from the dog’s owner including the name of the animal’s vet.
  • Speak to witnesses and write down their contact information.
  • Call animal control and ask them to take your report of the dog bite. Under California law any time a dog bites the animal must be quarantined.
  • Take pictures of the injuries throughout the healing process.
  • Write down your memory of the events as soon as possible to avoid forgetting important details.
  • Keep a log of any expenses and hardships related to the injuries.

You may try to get payment from the dog owner’s insurance company but how can you be sure they are offering you a fair settlement? A reliable Sacramento dog bite lawyer will know how to calculate the total cost, including time you miss from work, and future expenses that may arise.

The ‘One Free Bite’ Rule and Other Myths

California has done away with its so-called “one free bite” rule, so owners are held liable even if their dogs have never shown any aggressive behavior previously. It is also not true that, if no bite took place, the victim has no claim. It may be possible to pursue damages if you were injured while trying to avoid an attack. The dog does not have to be aggressive in order for an injury victim to have a claim. If the victim is knocked down, even if the dog was being gregarious, he or she has the right to seek compensation for any injuries that occur. To learn more and clear up any other myths, speak with a Sacramento personal injury attorney experienced in dog bite claims.

When Dogs Attack Children

Children may be at the greatest risk of being attacked by a dog. They have no natural fear of dogs and trust that no harm will come to them by approaching one. When a child is attacked, the injuries tend to be much more severe. This is especially true of the emotional aspect. Some children never overcome their fear of dogs after experiencing an attack.

Contact Our Sacramento Dog Bite Lawyers Today

When you choose Rosenthal Law, our trusted Roseville dog bite attorneys will seek full compensation for all of your injuries, including care for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or other similar conditions. We invite you to contact us to discuss your case. You can reach us by phone at (916) 774-7200 or by email to schedule a free consultation.