See Tracks? Think Train! RT launches new safety campaign (2 of 2)
Welcome back. As we discussed in our last post, safety officials are concerned about the rising number of pedestrians and bicyclists that are being hit by commuter trains in California, especially in the Sacramento area.
Because it is believed that distraction contributed to many of these incidents, the Sacramento Regional Transit launched a campaign this month that attempts to warn pedestrians, cyclists and drivers to pay attention instead of being focused on their cellphones and other distractions.
The campaign, “See Tracks? Think Train!” will be promoted throughout the RT system, but will be primarily targeted on the Blue Line from Broadway south. There are many posters that have been hung at stations that demonstrate the importance of paying attention around the powerful trains.
The campaign will also have an enforcement aspect with RT police handing out warnings and citations to pedestrians and cyclists who violate safety rules.
It’s very important that people receive the message on using caution around the trains as traffic is expected to increase even further when a new 4-mile line between Meadowview Road and Cosumnes River College is opened later this year.
Because everyone can use a refresher when it comes to safety around light-rail trains, here are a few tips from the experts:
- When crossing arm gates are lowered, never drive around them.
- Stay off the tracks; don’t use them for walking, jogging or taking a shortcut.
- Make sure children remain behind the yellow bump-up pads that are next to the light-rail tracks at stations.
- Keep in mind that after one train passes, another train may be coming from the other way.
- Don’t ride bicycles, skateboards or rollerblades in stations, it’s prohibited.
- Don’t drive onto a crossing until you are sure that your vehicle can complete clear it without stopping.
- Keep in mind that the trains are wider than the tracks.
If you or a loved one is involved in an accident with a commuter train, make sure to contact an experienced Roseville injury lawyer who can represent your rights and interests.